*本文由SAIF MF翻译整理,英文原文请见文末
刚刚到SAIF MF的第一个月,我就前往新加坡参加了FinTech主题的国际模块,学期间也拜访了多家上海的顶尖企业。在第二年的学习阶段中,一直迷恋罗马历史的我通过SAIF MF的海外交换项目申请了到博科尼大学进行交换的机会,在米兰留下了非常愉快的记忆。暑假期间,我在亚洲基础设施投资银行进行实习。我觉得一路充满惊喜,非常感恩能拥有这么丰富的经历和体验。
有一件事对我来说非常重要,那就是我在高金结识了许多影响我人生的良师益友与伙伴。一年多来,我和许多同学已经成为非常亲密的朋友。我们既能一起奋战进行专业探讨与学术切磋,也会谈天说地一起旅行探索这个世界。我很敬佩SAIF MF项目的同学们,他们目标明确、抱负远大、幽默风趣,却又虚怀若谷。
在哈佛大学,我是中国论坛的组委会成员,这个论坛每年召开一次大型会议,供思想领袖在哈佛校园中讨论与中国有关的问题。我在2016年主持了有关金融改革的圆桌会议,那是我与金融业的第一次亲密接触,这个经历让我萌生了学习金融,了解中国金融市场的愿望。我希望能前往中国学习金融学,希望建立完善的金融专业技能体系,并进一步了解中国的金融行业。经过广泛的了解和调研,我觉得SAIF MF毫无疑问是实现我这些愿望最好的选择。
我要感谢SAIF MF,让我成为高金温暖大家族的一员。如果没有在高金的这段经历,我的生活将截然不同。感谢教授们给予的热情指导和宝贵知识,也感谢我的朋友们为我提供的鼓励和鼓舞。
对于数学基础扎实、对金融感兴趣并且希望在亚太的金融市场有所作为的同学,我想真诚地推荐SAIF MF项目。除了之前提到的内容之外,我认为高金还有一个无法比拟的独到优势,就是上海市政府的全力支持。上海是新兴的全球金融中心,对金融专知和国际经验的需求将持续增长。高金则是上海金融政策的顶级智库,也是金融人才的孵化器。
本文由陈南同学英文访谈自述,SAIF MF翻译并编辑成稿,滑动浏览英文采访记录
Studying at SAIF has been a rewarding journey so far and has certainly lived up to my expectations. The classes at SAIF are challenging, and its curriculum is well-structured. I was able to build a foundation of financial knowledge without having much prior exposure. The wide range of electives, from machine learning to internet finance, also provided a wealth of options to build atop that foundation according to my interests. With SAIF, I visited Singapore in the very first month of the program, visited many companies in Shanghai, and later spent a semester in Milan during my second year. I was able to put my knowledge to practical use when I interned with the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank in Beijing over the summer. Most importantly, the people at SAIF make tremendous friends and travel companions.
I admire my MF classmates at SAIF, who are driven, entertaining, and humble. In over a year, some of my classmates have become very close friends. The professors with whom I had the opportunity to take a class are passionate, knowledgeable, and down-to-earth. It would be hard to single out any one class, professor, or classmate since so many have had a lasting impression on me. I have also befriended many MBA classmates, from whom I learned a lot about working in China and the importance of skills outside of the classroom.
The opportunity to study in different countries (and indeed continents) has broadened my horizons and enriched my experiences. From a historical perspective, the legacies of Roman/Italian and Chinese cultures have endured millennia of repeated collapse and renaissance, and both have an outsized impact on the world today. When the opportunity to exchange at Bocconi serendipitously came up, I was quick to apply as I am obsessed with Roman history and had yet to visit continental Europe. I remember reading Gibbon’s The History of the Fall and Decline of the Roman Empire in college and was simply blown away by the romance of Rome’s spiraling decline. Glorious as it was, Rome was equally defined by periods of folly—from good Trajan to debauched Commodus, godlike Augustus to poor Pertinax. So, I guess my semester in Italy was, in addition to living and studying in a different culture, a chance to visit the vestiges of the ancient empire. But my four months there has yet to satiate my curiosity for ruins, museums, and relics of all sorts. More importantly, I sought to trace from the branches of Western society, not least that of the United States, to their roots and foundations firmly established thousands of years ago in the bosom of the Tiber. Living in Italy, a new and at the same time ancient country, reminded me to see ideas and events through a historical lens.
My experience and motivations for studying in China, however, are different. I have a much more intimate relationship with my local classmates, and my upbringing as a Chinese American allows me to form a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and history. Therefore, I find myself able to empathize with Chinese perspectives on global issues in ways that most of my American peers can’t. I also appreciate the diversity of cultures in China, having traveled extensively throughout the country and having spent my past summer in Beijing.
Harvard is, foremost, a liberal arts school, and as a result, it instills upon its students the importance of critical thinking and varied learning. As a math student, I had the opportunity to take classes in linguistics, history, art history, planetary sciences, and so on. This journey for self-improvement and the curiosity for new knowledge and experience don’t stop after receiving the diploma. In that sense, each of my peers has gone on their own unique and worthwhile paths after graduating. For me, I chose to study finance in China to develop a set of professional skills in finance and to learn more about the financial industry in China. Both objectives are hard to achieve at Harvard, where one must travel to MIT to take an accounting class! At Harvard, I was an organizing member of the China Forum, which organizes a large annual conference for thought leaders to discuss China-related issues on the Harvard campus. I led a panel on financial reform in 2016, and that was my first exposure to the financial industry. Of the competencies I have developed at SAIF, the most tangible is a robust and formal framework to think about finance, especially in asset pricing. Besides, the classes I have taken at SAIF have given me a multifaceted view of the challenges of the industry in China and abroad. Finally, I have learned much from my current classmates, and I’m sure they will continue to enrich me going forward.
I would like to thank the program for allowing me to be part of the SAIF family. My life would not be the same without my experience with SAIF. I thank my professors for giving me guidance and knowledge, and my friends for providing encouragement and inspiration.
For students with a strong math background, an interest in finance, and the wish to work in Asia-Pacific, I would recommend the MF program. In addition to what I have mentioned before, I think there is a niche that SAIF fills uniquely. In essence, Shanghai is an emerging global financial center that will see an increased demand for financial expertise and international experience. SAIF serves a role as a thought hub for Shanghai’s future financial policies and as an incubator for finance talent.
MF18林汉:我的上海伦敦双城记 MF18刘浩然:从数学到金融,我的成长之路MF19夏之函的平衡之道:独立、协作,张弛有度MF19姚瑶:从数学到金融科技,一个非典型北大学子的探索之路
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